Bringing the Rock!

We've got another great addition to the lineup in the VIP Big Top at Tribfest 2014, the world's biggest tribute band music festival. Make sure you don't miss any of the brilliant bands/acts at the festival. Get your tickets now here.

"Crazy Train"

We're very happy to announce that Revelation Rhoads, a tribute to Ozzy Osbourne will be playing in the VIP Big Top on Saturday 16th August 2014.

In putting Revelation Rhoads together we've have tried to stay as true to the spirit of that amazing time in Rock music. Hours have been spent studying the countless Ozzy / Randy recordings from that period and we've also been in touch with members of Ozzy's band both past and present to discuss live sounds, equipment and tips to provide something both authentic and original.

We are great fans of Randy and Ozzy (as well as Bob, Lee, Don, Rudy and Tommy), and would not be attempting this if we did not feel we could do it true justice!

So make sure you head to the VIP Big Top on Saturday 16th August 2014, 13.30 - 14.15

Click here to go to the lineup page.